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Understanding Manchester’s rental market: key takeaways from urbanbubble's Q2 2023 report

Understanding Manchester’s rental market: key takeaways from urbanbubble's Q2 2023 report

Manchester, a city steeped in rich history, with a vibrant culture, and bustling business sector, has always been a magnet for landlords. The demand for homes in the city is further highlighted by Alliance City Living’s recent Q2 2023 rental market report, which shines a spotlight on the resilience and potential of the Manchester rental market. 

The resilient rental market  

Despite the ongoing rental supply crunch and rising cost of living, the rental market in central Manchester continues to demonstrate impressive resilience. The supply of rental properties is struggling to meet the growing demand. The monthly listings are still considerably lower than the peaks seen in 2020 and 2021. This imbalance continues to keep both asking and achieved rents high, as properties are often let out in a matter of hours. This resilience is a testament to Manchester's enduring appeal and the robustness of its rental market. 

Rental growth 

Our latest data shows that rental growth has started to slow down over the past six months, despite the ongoing rental supply shortage. Although advertised rental values rose by 11% in June 2022, they dipped slightly by 2.5% in the past quarter. However, the most common types of rentals - 1 and -2 bed apartments, which make up over 90% of all apartments in the city, have seen a steady increase, with a 1.5% and 1.6% rise respectively. This growth, despite the challenges, is a positive sign for landlords and a clear indication of the market's potential. 

Our report shows that the resilience and growth of the Manchester rental market makes it an excellent choice for landlords. The city's rental market, despite its challenges, continues to show promise and potential. 

For more detailed insights, trends and analysis, you can download Alliance City Living’s full Q2 2023 rental market report here. This comprehensive report provides a deeper understanding of the market dynamics and offers valuable insights for landlords looking to make the most of their investments in Manchester.  

The Alliance City Living Advantage 

At Alliance City Living, we are the UK property managers equipped with the knowledge and experience to offer landlords an unmatched property management experience. We have all the tools required to make the most of Manchester’s strong rental market. Making the switch to Alliance City Living is a seamless process; our dedicated team is ready to assist you every step of the way. Discover how we can enhance your property management journey, and ensure you reap maximum benefits from the promising UK property market. To get started or learn more, reach out to our team today. 

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