urbanbubble Residents

How To Improve Your Sleep In The City

Written by Alliance City Living | Jan 21, 2022 12:00:00 AM

We’ve all been there, huffing angrily on the pillow, waiting to drift off. Or bolt upright at 3 AM on a Tuesday doomscrolling Reddit. Often, the very fact that you aren’t sleeping when you should is enough to keep you awake. Why? you ask yourself. What is it? Can I ever stop asking questions, like this one, when I’m meant to be out like a light?

Perhaps the bed’s the trouble. We have soft, supportive doubles to help you drift off. Our bedrooms are also well insulated against noise from the street – one of the few issues with inner-city living.

But what else gives you a better night’s kip? It’s too important to take for granted. So keep your eyes open for these improvements to your sleep routine.

Avoid alcohol – or drink plenty of water

Wine, beer and cider can wreak havoc. Alcohol might make you drowsy, yet it suppresses REM cycles, disturbing a deep clean for the brain. Then there’s the risk of heartburn, a full bladder or getting too hot. Depending on how much and how fast you drink before bed, you’re playing with a terrible sleep cocktail. Try to leave at least two hours between your last drink and the sheets. Alternatively, top yourself up with three or four glasses of water – they’ll keep you hydrated and flush toxins.

Leave your window open

Throughout our luxury properties, we’ve paid special attention to large, secure windows. They’re great for circulation and staying cool. But there’s additional science to sleeping in fresh air – a study in the Netherlands correlated better rest with lower levels of CO2. Since you exhale carbon dioxide with every breath, it makes sense to clear the room with the window ajar.

Do hard cardio or yoga every day

Exercise wears you out, boosts your mood and fights insomnia. A 7km run should be enough to set you up for a better sleep. Ditto yoga, which is increasingly recommended for rough nights. Be patient; it can take a few weeks for results to show. Meanwhile, try to time your workout right. This source recommends three hours before bed to purge any adrenaline. With gyms and yoga studios close by, it shouldn’t be a problem, and you can fall into a decent habit.

Get up if you can’t sleep

One of the worst things you can do for poor sleep is punishing yourself on the pillow i.e. lying there praying for it. Instead, try to get sleepier. Read a book. Work on a jigsaw for a while. Add to your diary. You’ll be awake anyway, and these activities tax your brain. Just stay away from screens: ‘blue light’, as it’s known, inhibits melatonin, which negatively affects your sleep-wake cycle.

Relax completely for an hour

What chills you out? A warm bath? Scented candles? A Phoebe Bridgers album? Set a routine that accumulates two or three favourite comedowns. If you can spare the time and stick to a regime, sleep will come more naturally. Again, bath-time might be the missing ingredient. Our gleaming, spacious bathrooms are primed for slow soaks with a podcast. Stir some chamomile bubbles and exfoliate gently. Hot water also releases tension in your muscles, which may quell persistent pain that’s keeping you awake.

There – that should be enough to hit a calmer sleep pattern. Test and experiment. Several of our suggestions, together, push you closer to a full seven or eight hours. And don’t forget to claim a much better environment for winding down in the city centre… Our apartments may surprise you with smart, innovative material design and comforting furniture. Where you are matters. Sleep on it.